
1. (аэродинамически) обтекаемый вывод (за обшивку фюзеляжа)
2. направляющее (механическое,) устройство

control cable pulley fairlead — направляющая тросовой проводки

Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации. — М.: Скорпион-Россия. . 1996.

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Смотреть что такое "fairlead" в других словарях:

  • Fairlead — A fairlead is a device to guide a line, rope or cable around an object or out of the way, or to stop it from moving laterally. Typically a fairlead will be a ring or hook. The fairlead may be a separate piece of hardware, or it could be a hole in …   Wikipedia

  • fairlead — noun Date: circa 1841 1. (also fairleader) a block, ring, or strip of plank with holes that serves as a guide for the running rigging or any ship s rope and keeps it from chafing 2. a course of running ship s rope that avoids all chafing …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • fairlead — /fair leed /, n. 1. a pulley, thimble, etc., used to guide a rope forming part of the rigging of a ship, crane, etc., in such a way as to prevent chafing. 2. Mach. (on power shovels or cranes) a swiveling mounting for sheaves, over which cables… …   Universalium

  • fairlead — noun A device to guide a line, rope or cable around an object or out of the way, or to stop it from moving laterally …   Wiktionary

  • fairlead — ring through which rope is led to change its direction without friction Nautical Terms …   Phrontistery dictionary

  • fairlead — [ fɛ:li:d] noun a ring mounted on a boat to keep a rope clear of obstructions and prevent chafing …   English new terms dictionary

  • fairlead — fair·lead …   English syllables

  • fairlead — fair•lead [[t]ˈfɛərˌlid[/t]] also fair′lead er n. naut. navig. a pulley, thimble, or the like that guides a rope forming part of the rigging of a ship or crane in such a way as to prevent chafing • Etymology: 1855–60 …   From formal English to slang

  • fairlead — /ˈfɛəlid/ (say fairleed) noun a fitting on a ship, such as a ring, thimble, or block, or a strip of board with holes in it, through which running rigging is passed to be guided and kept clear of obstructions and chafing. Also, fair leader. {fair1 …  

  • fairlead — n. Naut. a device to guide rope etc., e.g. to prevent cutting or chafing …   Useful english dictionary

  • ГОСТ 26069-86: Механизмы палубные и судовые устройства. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 26069 86: Механизмы палубные и судовые устройства. Термины и определения оригинал документа: D. Ankereinrichtung Е. Anchor handling gear F. Appareil de mouillage Палубный механизм, предназначенный для отдачи и подъема якорей и… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

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